Lemonade and Liver

Two things I would never order to drink or eat: Lemonade or Liver. So what does that have to do with anything? Well I have heard that lemons make great lemonade a lot over the last few years as I have been Cancer free from Colon Cancer. But the truth is, I don't like lemonade, it is too sour for me. But alot of people do like lemonade and well good for them. But right now I am not drinking any, nope not me.

And I especially would never eat liver, yeah, yeah, I know it is supposed to be good for you, rich in iron, you know good for the immune system, but I would gag at the site of it. Well not that I am going to eat it anytime soon, but I have become more knowledgeable about my liver in the last 2 weeks than I would desire. You see it looks as if I have been diagnosed with a new Cancer of the liver. Yep I know you colon cancer gurus out there are saying "IS this just not a reoccurance of your Colon Cancer?" The answer is NOPE.

I have met an amazing Liver Transplant surgeon, who happens to specialize in Liver Cancer and we will be spending a great amount of time together soon. We are praying for a miracle, because as of yet, we have only seen a spot on my liver by MRI scans, so until the pathology comes in we are praying and praying. I will have a liver Resection very soon, probably next week and will post the details of that soon.

But This I will Eat, Yummie. Thanks Pattie and Tom.

In the meantime, pray for a miracle.


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